Joe Jack Williams



MRes MEng EngD

Joe is a Partner at FCBStudios and, alongside Ian Taylor, leads environmental research for the practice, identifying, developing and enabling research across sectors and projects. He is a certified Passivhaus Consultant and is focused on making truly net zero-carbon buildings.

He is a recognised expert in many aspects of building performance. As well as his Doctorate focussed on educational impact of the built environment, building performance evaluation, his expertise includes indoor air quality, retrofit of buildings, and whole life carbon. Within the practice, Joe works within projects from the outset to improve sustainable outcomes, identifying opportunities to reduce the impact and providing strategic design advice.

He led the development of FCBSCarbon, a tool which estimates the whole life carbon of a building to inform design decisions prior to detailed design, which is widely used by universities and practices across the UK with over 6,000 downloads.

Part of Joe’s role is advocacy for low carbon design, forming a core part of industry groups such as LETI and the Net Zero Carbon Building Standard, as well as working extensively with universities to create the next generation of low carbon designers, including at UCL, University of Bath, University of Sheffield, and Birmingham City University.

Joe Jack Williams



One Planet Living

Zero Carbon Housing

Devon Retrofit Guide


Schools Research

Rwanda Embodied Carbon

Zero Carbon Non-Domestic

43 Whitfield Street Refurbishment


Barbuda Island Masterplan

Goonhilly Earth Station

Pea Soup House

Circle Square Commercial

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