Using public realm to improve and unite the urban campus

LSE Public Realm Masterplan
Copyright Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

LSE's Public Realm Strategy is a pivotal element within their broader mission to cultivate a university quarter distinguished by a world-class estate.

Over the past decade, they have significantly improved their estate, extending the campus northward to Lincoln's Inn Fields. These enhancements have bolstered their buildings' capacity to facilitate education, enrich the student experience, support academic research and scholarship, and foster public engagement—a core tenet of LSE's ethos.
In creating a public realm strategy for this enlarged campus, our approach goes beyond mere spatial considerations or individual buildings; rather, we aim to foster a cohesive campus environment. This involves optimizing pedestrian flows, strengthening their institutional identity, and enhancing the overall beauty of the campus. As an urban university, LSE consciously embraces its location within the city, ensuring that their campus reflects both their urban setting and their commitment to engaging with the broader community.

Key Information

Sector: Masterplanning & Urban Design

Client: London School of Economics

Location: London

Completion: May 2015

Size: 0sqm

FCBStudios Team Leads

Kathryn Larriva