100% Affordable Housing Scheme Shortlisted for British Homes Award

01 July 2024

unity place

Unity Place has been shortlisted for a British Homes Award 2024 in the Affordable Housing category.

Part of the wider South Kilburn regeneration programme, Unity Place delivers a development of 235 new homes – every single one for social rent.

Aiming to address economic, physical and social issues in the neighbourhood, this scheme improves the environment and integrates the site within the estate’s wider regeneration projects.

Alongside 100% affordable homes for local residents, the scheme incorporates an estate-wide energy centre, a publicly accessible play space and a community hub.

Unity Place has transformed a site that suffered from a lack of social cohesion, crime, and anti-social behaviour into a safe, inviting and coherent urban community that reinstates much of the character lost in this area in the post-war years.

While we developed the overarching vision for the regeneration of the estate and masterplan, we also worked with Alison Brooks Architects and Gort Scott to create a unified approach to deliver the individual buildings.

Winners will be announced at a celebration in September.