architecture for a changing world

Rethinking The Future

A free public exhibition and programme of events.

Twenty Tottenham Street, London, W1T 4RG
Open Monday - Friday

rethinking the future

The world around us is changing and to adapt we need to take action. From climate change to social value, connecting communities to inclusive design, the role of the architect is integral in facing the challenges of today and building a world that is fit for the future. Whether creating places for learning, for living, for working or for playing we must continue to push boundaries in sustainable, democratic and socially responsible design.

This exhibition, which can be explored both in person and online, pulls together key themes which collectively form an agenda for architecture as we move forward. A curation of new ideas, calls to action, personal stories and research, we are proposing solutions to the multiple very real, and urgent, interconnected issues that we face.

By working collaboratively, engaging in research, challenging the status quo and creating new benchmarks we believe that architecture has the power to respond to real world problems, protecting our planet and supporting the people who call it home.

This is Architecture for a changing world.

Collaborative by design

We love working with people who have the same principles, ethos and values as we do. We were really pleased that two such companies agreed to collaborate with us on this exhibition.

Fallen & Felled and Smile Plastics

Fallen & Felled are a timber company pioneering a sustainable alternative. They repurpose felled urban trees into hardwood timber for furniture makers, architects and designers. And in doing so they keep tonnes of carbon out of the atmosphere, and reduces the UK’s reliance on imported hardwood.

We used a selection of their mixed species hardwood to make the frame which houses all the content in the exhibition. Fallen & Felled

Smile Plastics are dedicated to breathing new life into would-be waste materials. Their 100% recycled and recyclable plastic sheets, designed and made in the UK, contribute to the circular economy our built environment desperately needs to survive.
We made the table tops and shelves in the exhibition out of their Grey Mist sheet material. Smile Plastics.
